A Bus from Potosi to Uyuni Don't put anything here Page Content Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text After an afternoon, a cold evening and a morning to Potosi we hopped on a bus to Uyuni. Lonely Planet described the road as "rugged" and "spectacular". It did in fact turn out to be both rough and scenic. We saw plenty of llamas and even more pigs. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_051_6998 Our bus 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_042_1982 Llamas 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_048_8939 Pigs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_044_7083 Another llama 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_047_9989 More pigs 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_054_9061 Desert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_055_9299 Mountains 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_056_8692 More desert 2005-12-09-b-potosi-uyuni/20051209_059_8850 More mountains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> The landscape changed quite frequently, which kept us entertained on this 5 hour trip. We passed through rocky desert, a dusty desert, red mountains, green mountains, etc. I attempted taking some pictures from the bus window, but unfortunately, few came up given the bumpiness of an unpaged road. After getting to Uyuni we got a bus for La Paz for the following night and then went looking for a tour of the Salar. We heard from other travelers in Sucre that there was now an office that had rankings of the companies based on traveler feedback, so we went there and got a few names. After that we got some dinner - the book advised us that Uyuni has many dining options, all of which involve pizza, and that seemed largely true. It was a good pizza though. Uyuni in the morning: <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005-12-10-b-uyuni-morning/20051210_009_1402 2005-12-10-b-uyuni-morning/20051210_011_4311 2005-12-10-b-uyuni-morning/20051210_012_1048 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Page Content Template Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI A summary of your changes Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel