First Day in Shanghai Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Page Content Don't put anything here Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text We arrived in Shanghai's Pudong airport a little after 9 p.m. and headed for the maglev train (which was supposed to take us to Shanghai at 400 km/h), but were greeted with a sign "The Running is Over." We took a bus instead, having figured out from the map that our hotel was roughly in the Jing An area, and the bus seemed to go there ("Qu Jing An ma?"), so we took the bus and then took a taxi from in front of Jin An Temple, by showing the taxi driver the address of our hotel in Chinese that we got from the hotel by email. Next morning we walked through our neighborhood towards the railroad station to buy tickets to Nanjing for the following day. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_008_2655 Taichi practice in the morning 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_011_5584 Working men eating their breakfast 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_014_7759 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_019_8947 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_026_1290 Bicycles 2006-05-25-a-shanghai-morning/20060525_037_6986 Bicycles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> We then took subway to Nanshi - Shanghai's "China Town" where we also visited Yu Garden and then spent almost 40 minutes in line for what was supposed to be Shanghai's best dumplings. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-b-shanghai-nanshi/20060525_056_3238 Nanshi 2006-05-25-b-shanghai-nanshi/20060525_065_8131 Nanshi 2006-05-25-b-shanghai-nanshi/20060525_067_9583 Starbucks in Shanghai 2006-05-25-b-shanghai-nanshi/20060525_069_5093 Nanshi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-b-shanghai-nanshi/20060525_088_9906 Insense for sale at the Temple of the City God 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_132_3226 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_139_8608 Yu Garden in Shanghai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_109_7959 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_149_7737 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_143_4300 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_156_3955 Yu Garden in Shanghai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_162_6575 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_165_4519 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_120_6688 Yu Garden in Shanghai 2006-05-25-c-shanghai-yu-yuan/20060525_168_5472 Yu Garden in Shanghai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> When we left the garden it started raining and poured for most of the afternoon, so we had to resort to hopping from store to store along Nanjing Lu - Shanghai's main shopping street. Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Content Template Page Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Don't put anything here Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI A summary of your changes Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel