Banff Don't put anything here Page Content Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text After a few days in Vancouver, I had to leave 4S early to go to [CSCW]( in Banff, Alberta, about two hours driving from Calgary. We were housed in Fairmount Banff Springs - a gorgeous hotel that looks like a castle. The views from the hotel were quite stunning. I am glad someone else was paying for it, though. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-11-04-banff/20061104_004_2293 Banff Mountain 2006-11-04-banff/20061104_012_7946 2006-11-04-banff/20061104_014_7005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-11-04-banff/20061104_032_7509 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_104_8808 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_060_9275 2006-11-05-banff/20061105_002_5311 Fog over Banff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-11-04-banff/20061104_005_2672 2006-11-05-banff/20061105_010_7388 Caribous 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_042_1734 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_087_6118 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_024_9667 Snowy grass 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_031_8300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_110_3140 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_065_0142 2006-11-08-banff/20061108_130_9540 Driving to Calgary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook Don't put anything here HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Content Template Page Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter Don't put anything here HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI A summary of your changes Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel