Berkeley Shakes Again Page Content Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text So, Berkeley had another earthquake again last night, and then <i>AGAIN</i> this morning. 3.7 points yesterday, 3.5 today. Both times it was the exact same spot that had a 3.7 on Wednesday. So, are we now going to have daily earthquakes? If the time was a little more predictable, perhaps we could even get into a habit of marking the time of the day by them: "Let's meet tomorrow after the earthquake." Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Page Content Template Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter Don't put anything here HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI A summary of your changes Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel