Rio Air Race Page Content Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text An event from a while back for which I never got around to writing a blog entry. Back in May they had an air race in Rio. Supposedly some important event as far as air races go - like we care. But we went to see it as a show. So did about a million other people (quite literally, that's the number they had in the newspaper the next day), so it was quite crowded and we didn't get to see all _that_ much, but it was kind of interesting anyway. <2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_031_7055 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_004_9824 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_032_9186 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_046_6102 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x2 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_112_2304 --- 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_113_9728 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_064_0617 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- --- 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_111_1633 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_133_9862 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_093_6865 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_178_7502 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_165_6541 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_178_7502 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_224_7127 2007-04-21-air-show/20070421_208_6520 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Content Template Page Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI Don't put anything here A summary of your changes Don't put anything here Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel