Drive-by Tax Returns Don't put anything here Page Content Page Name (for URL) Page Title Breadcrumb Text (For non US-readers: Americans are supposed post mark their tax forms by April 15 and many post offices stay open late to accomodate.) Berkeley post office workers standing out in the streets with boxes for people to drop off their returns without leaving their cars. <2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x3 2008-04-15-tax/20080415_006_4806 --- --- 2008-04-15-tax/20080415_009_7193 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- --- --- 2008-04-15-tax/20080415_004_0148 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- --- --- 2008-04-15-tax/20080415_008_4342 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Don't put anything here Advanced Fields Category 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014E. AsiaE. EuropeL's FamilyL's FriendsN. AmericaN. EuropeS. AmericaS. AsiaW. EuropeY & LY's FamilyY's Friends Prototype Redirect Permissions0 Actions Config Markup Module HTML/Meta/Keywords HTML/Meta/Description Save Hook HTML Fields Main Head Body Header Menu Logo Content Template Page Sidebar Footer Tags Allowed for XSSFilter HTTP Fields Cache-Control Expires Guru Fields Templates Translations Fields Edit UI Admin Edit UI Don't put anything here A summary of your changes Edit Summary Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel